S8E13: Getting Spooky with Michelle Belanger Prt2
In this episode Devin gets weird with Michelle Belanger, author, occult expert, and television personality. This is part two of a really intense discussion and things get really weird (and COOL!) in this last half. We have everything from Nephilim to black helicopters in this one!For more Michelle check [...]
S9E21: Traditional Values with Kelden Mercury
Devin is joined by Kelden Mercury for a lively discussion about traditional witchcraft and how to approach its many themes. An episode you don't want to miss, especially if you enjoy working with spirits. Kelden on Insta: hhttps://www.instagram.com/keldenmercury/?hl=en Modern Witch Linkage: Everything Modern Witch can be found on our website, www.ModernWitch.com Sponsored by [...]
S9E20: The Movies that Made Us with Heather Greene
Devin is joined by movie historian, author, and witch Heather Greene to discuss the history of witches in movies. This episode covers a lot of ground and is definitely for the nerds, so pretty much everyone who listens to Modern Witch. Find Heather Greene online at www.heathergreene.netHeather on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Miraselena01 Modern [...]
S9E19: Casting Spells with Jason Mankey
Jason Mankey stops by to talk about everything from writing and devotional relationships to working effectively on big projects with members of your coven or community. For more Jason Mankey check outhttps://www.patheos.com/blogs/panmankey/https://www.facebook.com/jmankey Modern Witch Linkage: Everything Modern Witch can be found on our website, www.ModernWitch.com Sponsored by Modern Witch University: www.Modernwitchuniversity.comSponsored by: http://www.DaturaTrading.comModern Witch [...]
S9E18: Storm Faerywolf is a Pack Animal
In this episode Devin chats with Storm Faerywolf about his new books, the magical name, and queer witchcraft. Storm's Linkage: www.Faerywolf.comModern Witch Linkage: Everything Modern Witch can be found on our website, www.ModernWitch.com Sponsored by Modern Witch University: www.Modernwitchuniversity.comSponsored by: http://www.DaturaTrading.comModern Witch Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ModernWitchOfficialModern Witch FB Goup: https://www.facebook.com/groups/884750292130701 Devin’s Linkage:More about [...]
S9E17: Arin Murphy-Hiscock, Canadian Supreme prt 2
In this episode Devin is joined by international bestselling author Arin Murphy-Hiscock and they talk about everything from life online to casting effective spells and magic. This is part two of a two part show.Arin's Linkage:Website:http://arinmurphyhiscock.comInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/arinmurphyhiscock/ Modern Witch Linkage:Everything Modern Witch can be found on our website, www.ModernWitch.com Sponsored by Modern [...]