Join bestselling authors Nicholas Pearson and Devin Hunter for a five-part crystal magic intensive created for those who identify as witches and occultists and are ready to take their practice to the next level without the extra fluff. Each week explore different topics that teach you how to navigate the terrain of constructing useful gnosis, how to identify and work with the metaphysical properties of minerals, and even how to developing valuable partnerships with crystal spirits and familiars.
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The Modern Witch Crystal Magic Bootcamp
with Devin Hunter & Nicholas Pearson
NEW DATES! Class begins May 2, 2024
Join bestselling authors Nicholas Pearson and Devin Hunter for a five-part crystal magic intensive created for those who identify as witches and occultists and are ready to take their practice to the next level without the extra fluff. Each week explore different topics that teach you how to navigate the terrain of constructing useful gnosis, how to identify and work with the metaphysical properties of minerals, and even how to developing valuable partnerships with crystal spirits and familiars.
Presented by Modern Witch University, this four-week class series includes loads of never before seen content from both authors, homework and ritual practices, a private Discord server to interact with teachers and other students, and a follow-up session for all students once the bootcamp is over!
Minimum requirement for students:
Students will be required to turn-in homework assignments and provide their own supplies. No one is required to attend the live events, though we hope you do join us. All content is downloadable, and all assignments can be done on your own time during the bootcamp. If you are interested in procuring supplies, we will provide opportunities for students to access a wide selection of stones at wholesale pricing.
Required Supplies:
Every student will be required to provide at least one stone to work with throughout the duration of the bootcamp. While we will be covering a wide range of minerals, all methods can be applied to a single stone.
In addition, there will be gridding homework assigned in week three, so students are asked to have at least seven small stones so they can complete the related assignments.
Recommended Supplies:
Crystal Basics by Nicholas Pearson
Stones of the Goddess by Nicholas Pearson
Crystal Magic for the Modern Witch by Devin Hunter
The Witch’s Book of Power by Devin Hunter
General Focus:
Throughout the bootcamp we will be developing a relationship with the spirits of the mineral kingdom, as well as preparing the way for you to meet and work with a special spirit known as a “crystal familiar.” Each week we will inch closer to this goal as we dive deeper and deeper into the general and advanced practices found within crystal magic. By the end of the bootcamp, students should feel empowered to not only take the reins of their practice, but to continuously develop a grounded and reliable relationship with the mineral kingdom.
How Lessons Drop:
When classes begin you will log in to Modern Witch University to access the lessons. All lessons will remain available to you forever and you are welcome to retake the lessons whenever they update for free! If you have taken the intensive before when we did everything through email, message Devin and let him know you’d like access to this round!
Five Sessions
Four lessons released to you weekly with a LIVE Zoom follow up after the bootcamp. Each lessons contains lectures, homework, and feedback through our class Discord server!
Study On Your Own Time
Study throughout the week, respond with your questions, perform the homework, join us on Discord, and receive answers to your questions the following week!
Our Complete Schedule & Syllabus
Week One: Crystal Science and Metaphysical Profiles
(Lessons drop Tuesday,5/2/24)
Lecture One: Crystal Composition & Metaphysics
Dive into crystal composition and structure and how they impact a crystal’s vibration. Topics include but are not limited to the metaphysical properties of the periodic elements, native elements and metals, mineral families, crystal habits, and more.
Lecture Two: Crystal Partnerships & Profiling
Explore methods for preparing yourself, and your stones, for a magical partnership. What do people miss? What should you expect from your stones? Do you know really know your favorite specimen as well as you think you do? Learn to seek out, identify, and profile the energies of stones (based on composition, intuition, and lore) as a first step to building your partnership.
Exercise One: Crystal Profile
Exercise Two: Cleansing Ritual
Handout: The Glossary of Obscure Magical Mineral Properties
Week Two: Crystal Gnosis and Mapping
(Lessons drop Tuesday, 5/9/24)
Lecture Three: Crystal Gnosis
Discuss the concept of cultivating your own gnosis with stones and relying on that with confidence.
Lecture Four: Crystal Mapping
Mapping is a term used to describe gridding and laying on of stones. In this lecture learn about the foundational principles to this practice and hear how Nicholas and Devin differ in their methods and how you might, too.
Exercise Three: Empowerment Grid
Exercise Four: Crystal Familiar prt 1
Handout: Grid Templates
Week Three: Crystal Spirits and Infusions
(Lessons drop Tuesday, 5/16/24)
Lecture Five: Crystal Spirits
Journey through the exciting terrain of crystal Devas, Angels, Dragons, and Familiars and learn how they can be invaluable allies in your magic, as well as how to get ahold of them when needed.
Lecture Six: Crystal Infusions
Join us for a candid discussion on transferring the essence of stones into water, oil, and more! Learn about our favorite recipes and go-to workings.
Exercise Five: Crystal Familiars Prt 2.
Handout: Elixir Recipes
Week Four: Developing an Advanced Crystal Practice
(Lesson drops Tuesday 1/23/24)
Lecture Seven: Getting Advanced
This week we would focus on ways they can build a better and more consistent practice moving forward. Learn tips and tricks like how we remain regular and what types of goals are good to set with a practice.
Crystal Familiar Part 3
Handout: Daily Practice Challenges
FOLLOW UP: July 2024, TBD