Modern Witch Review | The Book of Candle Magic

You know how there are books that become collector’s items [...]

The Rites of Resolution: Janus & The Road to Self-Improvement

Our resolutions provide challenges that encourage us to grow and [...]

By |2020-12-29T14:51:00-08:00December 29, 2020|#devinhunter, #introduction, #modernwitch, folk magic, how-to, New Years, notable Witches, personal growth, readings, Recommendation, Resolutions, Rituals, Spirits, transformational, witchcraft|Comments Off on The Rites of Resolution: Janus & The Road to Self-Improvement

The Rites of Resolution: The Magical Act

I see the new year’s resolution as a magical act [...]

The Craft: Legacy – A Spoilerific Review

The TLDR no-spoilers version is this: The Craft: Legacy felt [...]

By |2020-10-29T16:30:00-07:00October 29, 2020|#modernwitch, community, devin hunter, magical forecast, movies, notable Witches, personal growth, Recommendation, review, reviews, Sacred Masculine, the craft, the craft legacy, Warlock, witchcraft|Comments Off on The Craft: Legacy – A Spoilerific Review

The Magic of Houseplants Part 1: Love

In witchcraft and occultism, we are often drawn to working [...]

By |2020-08-31T16:33:00-07:00August 31, 2020|#devinhunter, #introduction, African violet, Aloe Vera, devin hunter, Fern, folk magic, houseplants, Orchid, Peace Lily, personal growth, plant magic, plant magick, transformational, witchcraft|Comments Off on The Magic of Houseplants Part 1: Love

Modern Witch Netflix Watch Party Schedule

Starting Weds, April 15 and running at least until the [...]

By |2020-04-14T16:16:00-07:00April 14, 2020|#devinhunter, cinema, community, movies, netflix, netflixwatchparty, Paganism, popculture, Updates, watch party, witchcraft|Comments Off on Modern Witch Netflix Watch Party Schedule

Is Witchcraft Outgrowing Paganism?

While I was finding my way as a magical person [...]

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