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The Rites of Resolution: The Magical Act
I see the new year’s resolution as a magical act that one can participate in regardless of their faith. To set goals for yourself and then to resolve your will power so that you achieve those goals is nothing short of magic. » Read more on Patheos!
The Craft: Legacy – A Spoilerific Review
The TLDR no-spoilers version is this: The Craft: Legacy felt more like the pilot of the next installment to the CW’s Charmed franchise. Didn’t hate it, didn’t love it, glad it is here because I know it will continue to spread the cultural impact from the first movie to a [...]
Scorpio Season for 2020
Scorpio season challenges us to take accountability for all of what we are, and in doing that, become freer. Paralleling Persephone’s annual descent, we’re called to enter the Underworld within, the soil of our being, to do what can only be done in darkness. » Read more on Patheos!
Multorum Spirituum: The Many Faces of the Spirits Who Guide Us
Occultists, spiritualists, meditators, witches, warlocks, shamans, and the like have long and detailed histories of their involvement with the spirit world. These are often ancestors who are tied to the individual, family, or clan, but there are numerous types of spirits that make themselves available for spiritual work. » Read more [...]