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The 2020 Witchies Official Nominations
The Witchies are the first awards ceremony to focus on outstanding achievement and excellence in witchcraft and occult media and content creation. Our genres are generally so niche that creators are often intentionally excluded or overlooked by other organizations in the awards circuit; but that stops now! With The Witchies, [...]
The Magic of Houseplants Part 1: Love
In witchcraft and occultism, we are often drawn to working with plants, plant spirits, and the magic that exists all throughout the kingdom of Flora. Houseplants are often overlooked in favor of plants that are classically associated with the craft, but there is potent magic that can be found even [...]
Modern Witch Netflix Watch Party Schedule
Starting Weds, April 15 and running at least until the end of the month, Modern Witch will be hosting nightly Netflix Watch Parties, and you’re invited! All you need to do is check out one of our social media pages (listed below) each day for the watch link, follow that [...]
Is Witchcraft Outgrowing Paganism?
While I was finding my way as a magical person in secular society, many of my friends pulled away and became more insulated from it. We have all mostly stayed close but the differences in approach and fundamental values couldn’t be more pronounced. Honestly, aside from a shared love of [...]