When I say I’m a slut for Goddess, I mean that literally.

All of my sexcapades, all my shame, all my bad decisions and good ones surrounding love and lust are in devotion to Goddess, and to the frequency, energy, and expression of the Divine Feminine within me.

But this isn’t something others decided for me, that others guided me to. This isn’t something an order initiated me into, or that I read in a book. To be a slut for Goddess wasn’t something that was laid out in a listicle that I read on my iPhone.

Being a slut for Goddess is a path I have come upon and cultivated for myself as a practitioner of Erotic Witchcraft who is devoted to the Goddess of Love and Lust. And being a slut for Goddess is something you can also experience, beloved witch.

To be a slut for Goddess means honoring your sexuality as sacred, and centering it in your heart and practice as such. The first step in this journey is shifting your perspective. Being a slut doesn’t mean a specific thing; the way I see this is as a mode in which you live your life. To be a slut is to seduce and be seduced by the world, it is to desire and to be desired, it’s to flirt and be flirted with. To be a slut is to open yourself up to all the orgasmic, expansive, pleasure filled, and subversive experiences the world and its vast possibilities of lovers have to offer.

After you’ve accepted your sluttiness- whether this means intentional celibacy or exploration of non-monogamy, committing to being with one partner, or whatever else it is- it’s time to honor this as sacred. So many of us grow up with the belief that sex is something that should be hidden, secret, and something to be ashamed of. So many of us are told that this is dirty and that it’s only okay to have sex a certain way. But when you claim your sluttiness and your sexuality as something important to you, when you make the decision to honor it as sacred, it becomes such.

So now you’re a sacred slut. You’ve owned your slutiness- which as you know by now is a state of mind- and you’ve honored this as sacred. Congratulations! Now it’s time to weave this into your magick.

I invite you to begin a sex magick practice, working with pleasure, orgasms, altered states of consciousness and sexual energy as a way to charge your spells and rituals. Decide on an intention for this, whether it’s to meet your sexuality more deeply, to own your inner sex Goddess, or whatever else. Then, when you masturbate or have sex, breathe into the pleasure you feel and notice the ways it shapeshifts. Breathe into this energy, and at the moment of climax or as close as you can come to orgasm, send this energy up your spine and through the crown of your head as you focus on your intention. If you can orgasm multiple times, you can keep repeating this to continue charging the working.

To be a slut for Goddess means taking this sex magick practice one step further. You know you’re a powerful AF sex witch. You know your sexuality is sacred. Now it’s time to honor this as something greater than yourself, to direct it to Goddess, and to honor Her within you.

You can dedicate your sex magick practice to the Divine Feminine at large or to the Great Goddess, or to one of Her faces like Inanna, Babalon, Venus, Aphrodite, Freyja, Hathor, Lilith, or Vesta. You may do this formally in a ritual, or through a written petition, a spoken prayer, or through a journey in meditation. Once this declaration is made, your sexuality becomes the connective tissue to Goddess. Everything you explore sexually leads back to your spiritual practice and to your devotion to Her. You haven’t only dedicated your sexuality to the Goddess, you’ve become a Goddess of Love and Sex.

To further honor this, you may wish to set up an altar to your Goddess in Her state as Goddess of Love and Sex. You can place specific toys and items you use in your sex magick practice here, even dedicating these to the Goddess of your choice. You want to develop a relationship with this Goddess through sexuality and not in spite of it- through the pleasure of the body and not in spite of it.

From here, create sex magick rituals for the Goddess, and as you orgasm or get as close as you can, offer this to the Goddess. See it as a form of communion, with the Goddess within yourself, with the pleasure She brings.

Then, take this into the world. Being a slut for Goddess means living as a slut with Goddess in your heart. When you flirt, when you go on first dates, when you declare your love for someone, or when you have a fun one night stand; these can all be paths to Goddess. As you move through the world secure in who you are, vibrant and exploring your erotic self, remember Goddess. Pray to Her for support, anoint yourself with Her oil before you go on dates, wash yourself in Her sensual love in meditations. As you have sex or message someone new on Tinder, feel Goddess in your heart.

There’s not one thing you do to become a slut for Goddess. It’s a mode of being, a way of offering oneself to the waters of the Divine Erotic. Now, you get to honor your sluttiness as something that brings you closer to the Divine, and not farther from it. I see you, I love you, you got this!

And if you want more support in this exploration, check out my book Sacred Sex: The Magick and Path of the Divine Erotic.